About me.
I have always been fascinated by psychological topics and paths to soul healing. For many years, I reported on these subjects as a journalist, author, and filmmaker. In 2005, I encountered hypnosis twice: in a medical context and during a screenplay workshop. These encounters opened my eyes to the immense wisdom that lies dormant in our unconscious.
Today, I am grateful for my decision to pursue training at the Society for Therapeutic Hypnosis and Hypnosis Research (GTH), which offers one of the most comprehensive hypnosis training programs, with a particular focus on depth psychology and developmental theory. Over the course of my work, I have become increasingly aware of how powerful hypnosis is—and at the same time, how fragile the human psyche can be. This solid training has prepared me to work responsibly with people.
A key part of my training was life analysis, which allowed me to gain deeper insights into my own biography. This personal experience has made me a strong advocate of Hypno-Integrative Depth Psychological Therapy (H.I.T.T.®).
I owe special thanks to Claudia Manzini-Egger, my mentor, and to Werner J. Meinhold, the founder of H.I.T.T., whose work is based on over 30 years of research into different states of consciousness. This holistic approach—inspired by both Western medicine and shamanism and yoga—continually fascinates me.
Since shamanism has been part of my life for many years, I compared trance work in Amazonian shamanism with H.I.T.T. in my thesis. Since then, I have combined these two powerful practices and organized healing journeys with indigenous curanderos/as.
My special thanks also go to Dr. Phillip Katumba, Chief Physician of the SIHLMED Center for Integrative Medicine, who invited me to join his center. As a trained hypnotherapist, he understands the potential of depth psychological hypnosis, which has now become an important part of integrative treatment for many patients.
I look forward to accompanying you on your journey to inner wholeness and wisdom.
Silvana Ceschi
- Board Member of GTH Switzerland | Society for Therapeutic Hypnosis and Hypnosis Research
- GTH Training Analyst and GTH Supervisor in Training
- Consulting Therapist at the SIHLMED Center for Integrative Medicine
- Organizer of Healing Journeys combining Amazonian Shamanism and Depth Psychological Hypnosis
- Therapy languages: German/Spanish/English/Italian

Silvana Ceschi
Therapeutin für Tiefenpsychologische Hypnose
& Autogenes Training
Anerkennung Zusatzversicherung (VVG): ASCA + EMR
“The combination of deep hypnosis and autogenic training
is apowerful tool that helps people not only relax
but also bring about positive changes from within.”